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Im just take the first step as you!!!

  • 56 лет мужчина, Зодиак: Стрелец
  • Miami, США
  • Английский(Хорошо), Потугальский(Средний уровень), Испанский(Очень плохо)
  • IT Manager
  • без детей
  • Был(а) в онлайне: 1 августа 2023 г.

Private details and contact information
Личная информация
Пол мужчина
Дети без детей
Хочу завести еще детей Да
Рост 5'6" - 5'7" (166-170см)
Тип тела Среднее
Этническая принадлежность Испанский
Религия Католический
Матримониальное положение Живем раздельно
Образование MA/MS/MBA
Курильщик Нет
Пьющий Нет
Информация о человеке, которого вы ищете
Я ищу женщина
Ищу в возрасте 37-55
Ищу, требования к росту
Ищу, требование к типу телосложения
Знакомство Партнер для совместного время провождения, Дружба, Брак, Отношения, Романтические отношения, Временный партнер, Партнер для путешествий, Друг по переписке

I am a kind, tender man who desires to meet her special someone and build a happy and strong family. My friends tell me that I can become a very good wife and mother, because I value family relations so much. I adore children! To me an active and eventful life means that I live! Also I enjoy meeting people and making friends. Communication with interesting people opens a lot of new and interesting in my life. I am a creative and intelligent person, which is very pleasant to talk to. I have a great sense of humor, but I know when to laugh and when to be serious.
Описание идеального партнера:
I'm looking for someone who also has good family values. A sense of humor is a must! I want someone that doesn't take themselves too seriously - life's too short. Everyone should be able to laugh at themselves and enjoy life.
I love to laugh and to make people laugh, but sometimes have trouble laughing at myself.
I'm ready to give my love to someone and just need to find the right person to give it to. intelligent and funny girl who wants to experience all that life has to offer, spontaneous, but not all the time, wants to travel, both near and far and actually does when she can.
I have a lot of thing about my but:
I would like to find someone who wants to spend time getting to know me.I love walks in the park or just spending time together. I do believe in true love and love at first sight. Love is something you cherish and never take for granted . I would love to find a woman that is as passionate about love and life as I am....